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Bunions Specialist

John R. Senatore, DPM -  - Podiatry

Union Podiatry

John R. Senatore, DPM

Podiatry located in Baltimore, MD & Towson, MD

Bunions are bony lumps that develop on the side of your feet, near the big or little toe. They can make your foot look deformed, cause pain, and limit shoe wearing and physical activity. At Union Podiatry, John Senatore, DPM, provides innovative bunion treatments to patients in Baltimore and Towson, Maryland. Call today or use the online tool to schedule an appointment and have your bunions evaluated.

Bunions Q & A

What are bunions?

Bunions usually form at the joint of the big toe but can sometimes start at the base of the little toe.

A bunion indicates that the bones at the front part of your foot have shifted, pushing the big toe in toward your smaller toes and pushing the big toe joint to jut out. Bunions on the outer, pinky toe edge of your foot are less common and are called bunionettes. 

What causes bunions?

Causes of bunions are:

  • Foot deformities
  • Medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis
  • Genetics
  • Foot stress

Poor-fitting, tight, and narrow shoes are a common contributor to bunion development. 

What are the symptoms of bunions?

You’ll notice a bunion as a bump at the base of your big toe. It may occur on just one foot or both. 

Along with the bump, you may notice:

  • Swelling or redness around your big toe joint
  • Calluses and/or corns
  • Noticeable pain that comes and goes
  • Soreness

With time, you may find it difficult to bend and straighten your big toe.

If your bunion is in its initial stages and not causing pain or difficulty with movement, you probably don’t need to get medical treatment yet. Reach out to Union Podiatry if you start to feel pain when walking or have trouble finding shoes that fit. Without treatment, your bunion can worsen and seriously affect mobility. 

Am I at risk of developing bunions?

Anyone of any age or gender can develop bunions, but some people are more likely to develop them. Risk factors include: 

  • A tendency to wear high heels or shoes with a narrow toe box
  • Family members with bunions
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Regularly wearing tight shoes with a skinny toe box also encourages bunion development, especially if your feet are prone to them. 

What treatments are available for bunions?

Dr. Senatore customizes your bunion treatment depending on the symptoms and size of your bunion. If it’s possible, he uses conservative strategies, such as lifestyle changes, to slow bunion growth and ease pain. 

These changes may include losing weight, icing your feet to reduce inflammation, or adding orthotic inserts to your shoes. When conservative treatments don’t work, Dr. Senatore recommends surgery to remove the bunion. 

If bunions are causing you pain and dysfunction, contact Union Podiatry. Call one of the offices today or use the online tool to make an appointment.